Wednesday, June 30, 2010

(At midnight) Today is the beginning of the rest of your life.

Each day is, actually. In this case, Mom’s death will bring a radically different schedule of my days –our life – but every day we all have the option to begin anew. Every day I always have the option to let Jesus grow ever more visible to the world through the way I think and what I do. Each of us is constantly being recreated if we permit it. Each day we are born – again. Maybe that’s what the phrase is all about. To be born again is to greet each day as if the others hadn’t happened – open to the transforming power of God who “makes all things new.” To be born again is to get up in the morning with open hands that have not held onto the memories of the troubles and hurts and hatreds of yesterday. To have hands that are ready to receive the gift of life and love that is in today. To be born again as innocent and beloved children of God who gives the kingdom to the childlike no matter what their age.

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