Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Power

I've been busy this week culling books from the 9 bookcases in the house. 232 at last count - and more to come. I have faced into the fact that I am no longer an academic and it is time to rid the household of outdated texts, multiple versions of the same material and even a set of encyclopedia circa 1969.

What hit me strongly while doing so, however, was the power of the word. Twenty six letters at its base, but they have been put together over the millenia by people who saw life in ways that touched the imagination. The books plugged me into the world of ideas and I mourned having to let some of them go.

Many of my books still on the shelves are on spiritual topics because, appropriately enough, the ultimate word is Jesus. We call Him the Word of God - God's communication of Himself. God came and the word that He brought was "Peace! Do not be afraid. I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly." God promised to live with us forever and called His Spirit "the Power from on high." When we plug ourselves into God's socket, we live off of divine electricity.

The image "turns me on." There's a tweens reading show on PBS called The Electric Company and its theme song has some thoughtful lyrics when applied to the power surge between God and us:

We're gonna bring you the power...We're gonna light the dark of night like the brightest day in a whole new way. We're gonna turn it on. We're gonna tell you the truest words that you heard anybody say, Moving out in a new way..."

The Godhead has made us much the same promise. Each day we get the chance to plug ourselves into a world beyond this one. We can choose to tap into that power. If we become conduits for the power of God - for Love to enter all that we do, touch and say - the world will change just as it did when electricity transformed the Chicago World's Fair.

We can pray for those who have hurt us and God's grace will heal broken hearts. We can reach out to the wounded among us and bring physical comfort. We can attempt to cross over psychic distance and think acceptance and reconciliation into being. Most of our power to change the world, however, lies in our words. Those 26 letters can change a person's outlook in an instant.

In your world today, may the Spirit be the source of all of them.

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