Every once in awhile, God intervenes in our lives in an amazing way. I call these "god-incidences" because I don't believe in the other kind. This one started with a call from hotels.com that interrupted an otherwise delightful dinner at a restaurant called "High Cotton" in Charleston, SC. We were supposed to stay at a hotel in a nearby suburb and they were calling to tell us that the place had overbooked and our reservation was canceled.
They called around, but there was no availability anywhere. "American Idol" was in town! They were doing auditions for the East Coast and people had come in droves to be insulted or chosen. When the .com agent could find nothing, he turned us over to a specialist who handles difficult cases. After making another slew of calls, she found a B&B and we were finally set for the night.
It was when we looked at the hotel's web site that we realized that, indeed, "everything happens for the good...". The B&B was a Wellness center and the proprietors practiced a stress-reducing, inner healing technique called Reiki. With all the health issues that I have, this seemed to be a Divine gift that I would never have gone on my own to find.
When we arrived, our proprietress was as aware of the serendipitous nature of our meeting as I. Our conversation immediately went deep and I found myself sharing my life with this stranger. Our session was wonderfully freeing and I saw a pattern in my illnesses that I hadn't noticed before. Better yet, I was able to see that my attitude and thoughts have contributed to my health and she helped me to see that I had more control over what is happening in my body than I had thought.
There's much more to this that I want to share, but I'll save that for another post. Meanwhile, as today's scripture readings attest, "in everything, give thanks."
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