Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Secret of Success

What is the secret of success? I'll share it with you if you promise to tell everybody :)

Show Up.
Show Up On Time.
Show Up On Time and Ready to Work.

I wish I could say that these maxims are original with me, but they are ones that I heard from a business executive who gives talks to high school students. In his experience, most of the people who come to him looking for work fail one or more of his basic principles and, he says, will go nowhere in their careers. I would add this: they will go nowhere in life.

Show Up. It sounds so simple, but what does it really mean? People can be somewhere physically, but miles away in their thoughts and attitude. In relationships, showing up means being present to the other, whether that person be a spouse, a friend or even God. Everything we do is affected by our involvement: Prayer can be a ritual or an encounter; sex can be an act or a joining of hearts; a meal can feed the body or it can feed the soul as well. Showing up means actively searching for the other and experiencing unity.

Show Up On Time. "Time passed is never found again." This proverb is thought to be about diligence, but it's really about delicacy. It is about sensing the moment and taking advantage of the rightness of the fit at that time. In an ideal world, relationships would always be like the gears of a watch with each sprocket fitting neatly into the others. Ours, however, is not an ideal world and we have to be on the lookout for the moment when it is our chance to mesh and not clash. 

Show Up On Time and Ready to Work. The executive wanted his high schoolers to come prepared with tools in hand, bodies primed and minds on the goal of the day. Relationships require the same amount of zeal. Our mission is to become One. This was the prayer of Jesus at the Last Supper: "That they may be one as you, Father, are in me and I in you...". Unity of this sort takes vigilance because it doesn't happen easily. We must be constantly sending out vibes of loving openness that encourage a like minded response from those we meet throughout  the day.

See you on the job.

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