Friday, April 22, 2011

It Is All Good

One of the cards that I sent out last week had this phrase on the cover: Easter is God's Way of Saying that It's All Good.

Good Friday is the perfect day to remember that, in the hands of God, all that we endure can have a loving outcome. Our task is to be open to the change that this might involve within ourselves and to trust that God sees around all the corners in our lives. God knows what is needed in order to prepare for the good that lies ahead.

It is tempting to remain fixated on the sufferings that Jesus experienced. It is hard to resist focusing on the lacks in our own lives and our dashed expectations. The glory of the life of Jesus, however, is Easter, not Good Friday. The "good news" is that  Death steals our bodies, but only for a time. The gospel promise is that there is life after death and that Jesus came that we might have life in the now, as well. The Spirit that we have been given is able to transform all that we undergo and bring good out of it.

The rub, of course, is Holy Saturday, the day of silence. Even Jesus had to wait to see the Easter of his life.

So must we all. This is where each of us can make a difference: Trust in the Good on the other end of the dark times of our lives is a three day experience and it's best done hand in hand. It helps when someone else can remind us Sunday is just around the corner.

See you the day after tomorrow.

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