Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On Hiatus

In Bermuda? No,wish we were. Still pain free? No- In the hospital instead. Once again, I am being reminded that life can change in an instant. A week ago, I thought I would go to the ER to check out a problem I'd been having while I was actually having it. Here I am, a week later, still here and awaiting surgery. Our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made..." and it's a wonder that they work as well as they do.

The people who care for patients are grace-filled gifts of God. I admire their devoted service even in the midst of the hurricane. They were here and they stayed the night. One nurse convinced a friend from NC to come babysit the children while she tended to her responsibilities here. Medicine is a calling and I've seen commitment in every department. I have an opportunity to reflect back to them the goodness that I see.

My stay has been a blessing in that I have felt great love surrounding me at every turn. My wonderful Paul is my constant support as we share another one of life's adventures.

Rejoice always, says the Apostle Paul. When things aren't going well, that's hard, but there's love to be found in every circumstance, even if we have to supply it ourselves. That is something that changes the face of anything.

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