Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Piece of Myself

A host of people ran through my mind today as I was praying in church. Not just relatives and friends, current and past, but all the people around me came alive as I thought about their illnesses, their heartaches and their needs. I was overwhelmed by a deep concern for each of them and my heart was filled with a compassionate longing that God would give them healing, provision, an awareness of grace and  hope for the future.

It suddenly occurred to me that if I could be so moved - even about people I barely know - God's heart must be infinitely more concerned than mine. If I, who have so many limitations and inadequacies, could feel love, what must our completely perfect and all loving God feel for each of us? Can God ever feel happiness when creation suffers so much? Jesus wept over the dead Lazarus; is it the Father's tears over you and me that water the earth?

In my spirit, God seemed to answer my question: in response to all the pain, I tear out my heart and give you a piece of myself. As I looked around, I saw each of us filled with a piece of God. God sends us to bring healing and restoration to the hurting people who come our way. God uses us and gives us the wherewithal to do the job.

This morning, God gave me a new awareness of what it means to be filled the Spirit. You are and I am - and the world will be if we share the love within us.

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