Monday, January 31, 2011

The Kingdom?

The Kingdom of God is like...a what?

Well, what is the Kingdom of God like? A difficult question because we only get a glimpse of it every now and then. I know what I hope it is: a world in which we all do the loving thing all the time. We are patient with each other and we are kind. We are not jealous or rude or self centered. We love the truth and we are there for each other always. That's the kind of Kingdom that God inhabits.

 We certainly know all the first century metaphors, but what would be a fitting image that might make sense to a modern audience? From our experience this past weekend with our grandchildren, it's like the bucket at the water park that overflows and drenches the people - and they love it!!! It is a thousand gallons of cool water that splashes the entire area and when the bell rings to signal its imminent dump, everyone runs to get soaking wet.

God's love is like that. It's all encompassing, refreshing and exhilarating - and catching. Once experienced, people run to tell others and spread God's love around. Just like the water park bucket, God's love keeps pouring in, the love fills us up and we water the earth with the overflow. It is only when we don't allow much of God's love into our bucket that it can't tip over and continue the cycle.

Hope your day is full of splashes.

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