Saturday, January 1, 2011

To Begin Again

Today's date is full of promise - 01-01-'11. Zeros and ones - there's the implication that there's more to come, but right now, this date represents the start of something new. Zeros and ones - fresh start, clean slate, new beginning.

A zero is nothing - or so it would seem. In our modern existence, though, is anything devoid of all influence and totally empty? It appears that every idea is built upon another, every thing has sprung from some sort of seed and every moment follows that which came before. Can nothing really be nothing? Even a zero holds some hope if seen from this perspective.

A one is a definitive something that can be added to and expanded. It can remain as it is or it can increase, but regardless of its future, a one has made its mark on the world. A nothing has become a something.

Our calendar year stretches before us. Time will alter the equation and the zeros and ones will be replaced, at least on paper. What we choose, internally, to make of them is up to us. We have the option of filling those zeros and turning them into something memorable or letting them remain as they are, symbolic of a state of mind that bears no fruit.

We can build on the seed of the ones and produce something that has an impact or we can let the one remain as it is, with its promise stunted and growth blocked.

As the days pass, I pray that we will see their potential and realize it, that we will recognize our abilities and use them to the utmost.

The scriptures tell us that God can do more than we can ask or imagine. Let us imagine together that God will work with us to turn our nothings into something and our somethings into more.

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