Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Under the Weather

I've not been well for the last few days. One of those virulent cold germs entered my body, unbidden and unwanted, but very present and very unpleasant. In a word (or three), I've been "under the weather."

It's an odd phrase, isn't it? I looked it up and it may have nautical origins, such as being sent below decks to be away from the bluster above, but I was really struck by one description: adverse or destructive atmospheric conditions. What an interesting twist. Seen in that light, my being under the weather could be a reaction to the pace of life that I mentioned in my recent post. If I wasn't going to make the decision to slow down, then my body would make the decision for me.

Regardless of this possible reaction to stress, rest has given me the chance to ponder why something as minor as a cold should make one feel so miserable, while a person who has a deadly cancer or heart condition can sometimes not feel its presence at all.

Maybe it's because the really hurtful things in life are buried deep within us and the less serious are disposed of like used tissues.

Maybe it's because someone with a strong immune system fights the presence of the invading virus while a compromised system doesn't put up much of a struggle.

Maybe it's a matter of exercise. Not the touch-your-toes and crunches kind of exertion, but an exercise of the spirit: Healing the small illnesses gives us experience in handling the larger ones. Victory over the one gives us encouragement to believe that healing of the other is possible.

Maybe it's so that we can develop an empathy for those who are living through the illnesses that are not as obvious as the sniffling, sneezing kind.

Maybe it's a small, recurring reminder that even in our era of scientific knowledge and accomplishments, we are confounded by the onslaught of the puny rhinovirus that hijacks our cells in order to keep itself alive.

Maybe it's because, when we are lying in bed not able to read or watch TV because the eyes hurt too much to open, we need to philosophize about something - anything - to pass the time.

Peace to all.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your adversity. But I love your reaction and that you are determined to get past it by writing!
    "Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to Dance in the Rain!"
    Be grateful for the chance to rest and do nothing but recover. and the DANCE~!
